Spaltenraum und Strahlenriss

September 25-30th, 2019

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Mark Gisbourne
on GODsDOGs work “Spaltenraum und Strahlenriss”:

“They have re-introduced in a uniquely intensified and postmodern way the long established landscape and literary tradition that once integrated country to town sensibility. (…)
The psychedelic aspects turn the image banners into pictorial and bewitching phantasmagoria of sorts, (…) the visual effects only heightening further an updated sense that we are experiencing a modern fairy tale. “

„Zwischenraumbilder – intermediates“

In late 2017 GODsDOGs started working on a new series of digitally transformed photoworks. This digital development procedure is based on the Pseudo-Solarization process (done manually e.g. by Man Ray & Lee Miller), which is also called “Sabattier Effekt”. They digitally transform the gradiation diagonal (“Tonwertdiagonale”) of the image into a sine curve. “One could also say that we fold it.”, says Britta who just read “The Fold – Leibniz und der Barock” by Gilles Deleuzes. Partial overexposure and underexposure give rise to inversions in which parts of the image appear positive and others negative. This "glitch" / "Störung” creates surreal color changes, hyperreal edge enhancements and a party mythical feel to the images. Through this fold the positive and negative image components are interlocked. 
Ron states: “This was important to us, since we have evolved from our artistic practise as members of the artists group “Artists Anonymous”, where we painted negative oil paintings and inverted them to photographic after images with a clear separation between positiv and negativ, to a more complex worldview and a more intertwined artistic approach.” Britta and Ron call these transformed photographic images “intermediates” - “Zwischenraumbilder” - as they oscilliate between different and sometimes supposedly anatagonizing poles. The preselection of the pictures plays an important role, as not all photos are suitable for being a representation of the inbetween = Zwischenraum....
Karl Oskar Gallery is pleased to announce an exhibition of new and spectacular work from the remarkable duo, GODsDOGs.
If you missed to see this work at XXIV. Rohkunstbau: Achtung – Mind the Gap, this is your chance to see it in Berlin.